Make Up Class Finish UFOs

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Come and finish those unfinished projects with some help from Chris!


Star 60 Class

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Become familiar with the Star 60 Studio 180 tool in this monthly class.  We will making new 60 degree units each month and learning the versatility of this great tool!  To learn more:  Star 60 Class


Open Sew

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Come hang out and sew with friends!

Quilts For Kids Sew Day

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

It's that time again . . . the 4th Saturday of the month and that means its Quilts For Kids Sew Day at The Quilter's Nook. We have plenty of donated fabric. All you need is your time and a sewing machine to help put together a quilt to give to a sick child in […]

Star 60 Class

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Become familiar with the Star 60 Studio 180 tool in this monthly class.  We will making new 60 degree units each month and learning the versatility of this great tool!  To learn more:  Star 60 Class


Star 60 Class

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Become familiar with the Star 60 Studio 180 tool in this monthly class.  We will making new 60 degree units each month and learning the versatility of this great tool!  Learn more:  Star 60


Tag Along 2

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Year 2 of Tag Along!  Along with honing in on skills we have already been learning, this year we will be adding Corner Pop tool and three new techniques - Geese on the Edge, Banded Lemoynes, and Blazing Lemoynes.  At the end of the year, you will have 24 blocks to use in your finished […]


Tag Along 2

The Quilter's Nook 82 Hill Street, Versailles, IN, United States

Year 2 of Tag Along!  Along with honing in on skills we have already been learning, this year we will be adding Corner Pop tool and three new techniques - Geese on the Edge, Banded Lemoynes, and Blazing Lemoynes.  At the end of the year, you will have 24 blocks to use in your finished […]
